Some Bookish News

Today is the sixth anniversary of moving into our apartment in a small town near Zürich in Switzerland.

The novelty of living in such a beautiful, clean, wonderful country, with easy access to so much of Europe, has never worn off. If it weren’t for that little thing called ‘work’, we’d probably believe ourselves to be on a permanent holiday!

I’m particularly moved by this anniversary, however, and I’ve tried to put my finger on why it feels so significant. I think it’s because, if I look back over all I’ve achieved in the past six years, I am somewhat amazed. Being a champion procrastinator, and always aware I could be doing more—working harder, writing faster—things haven’t turned out too badly.

Since arriving here in early 2014, I have been involved in five books that are now published. At the time of moving, I was a co-writer on The Darcy Brothers with four fellow writers of Austenesque fiction (published in 2015). I then went on to co-write with my friend, Ada Bright, and the first in our time-travel romance series (initially published in 2016) was re-published by Canelo Escape in 2019.

I then wrote A Quest for Mr Darcy, a behemoth of a book (published in 2017), followed by a co-write of a second time-travel romance with Ada, again for Canelo Escape (published in 2019).

I also wrote the first in my new contemporary romance series, The Cottage in a Cornish Cove (published in February 2020).

Not too shabby, after all, for a professional procrastinator!

But that’s all looking back… what is the ‘new’ bookish news?

Well, The Cottage in a Cornish Cove has received rave reviews across the board since its release, for which I am extremely grateful, giving me plenty of inspiration to continue this uplifting and heart-warming series set in the fictitious coastal town of Polkerran.

Have you visited yet? You should… although according to reader feedback, you may not want to leave!

As I may have previously mentioned, however, I do have several other pens in various pots. Ada and I have an outline for the third in our time-travel romance series; I’m working on a quirky women’s fiction novel, and I’ve also outlined two more Austenesque novels, one of which is a cross over between Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion.

I’m just in the process of setting up a newsletter—more on this in the coming weeks—and anyone who subscribes to this will have access to exclusive content. (I’ll only be sending out a newsletter once a quarter, so you won’t be inundated, and there will be a dedicated one for my Regency readers and one for contemporary!)

The content will relate to both The Cottage in a Cornish Cove (deleted scenes, character backgrounds and snippets from the next book, as well as the chance to appear in it as a character living in Polkerran) and also the Austenesque works in progress (I’ll share the opening chapters and again offer the chance to be part of the story).

So stay tuned, and I’ll be back shortly with more ‘newsletter’ news! In the meantime, have a fabulous March.

As for me, I’m going to be busy writing. I managed to get the words Toblerone and Matterhorn into the first book in the Cornish Cove series. I wonder what I can wriggle into the second, or even the Austenesque works? Darcy scaling a mountain, anyone?

Answers on a postcard, please!


Details of all my books can be found via the relevant tabs above!



About Cass

Writer of romance with all the feels. Dreamer, bookworm, cat lover. Avid fan of antiques TV shows. #proudHufflepuff
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