A Quest for Mr Darcy – Chapter Seventeen

This chapter has now been removed.

About Cass

Writer of romance with all the feels. Dreamer, bookworm, cat lover. Avid fan of antiques TV shows. #proudHufflepuff
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38 Responses to A Quest for Mr Darcy – Chapter Seventeen

  1. justjane1813 says:

    Ah, so they both were avoiding the morning call. Loved the mud and the way Elizabeth is slowly realizing her feelings… thanks for posting!


  2. Carol says:

    Thank you! That was just the balm I needed to soothe my troubled soul.


  3. Cristina says:

    Loooved it! It is a delight when the speak to each other. This chapter was the best so far. Darcy to the rescue, able to show some true gentlemanly behaviour.


  4. Trez Baer says:

    For some reason I do not feel that the twins will be bringing joie de vivre to the Pemberely.
    Of course, me reading about them will bring much to myself.
    Sounds like they’re going to be a handful.


  5. Trez Baer says:

    I do have to wonder since Georgians has told Darcy that Elizabeth is not indifferent, does Darcy look for it? Is he gauging her indifference now that he has been told?


    • Cass says:

      Let’s hope so! He needs all the encouragement he can get! Then, we just need Elizabeth to realise just how indifferent she actually is!


  6. Jessica says:



  7. Carole in Canada says:

    Sigh…oh I just love how you write! I felt as if I was there watching and listening to them! I wouldn’t be surprised if Wickham started the fire! Yesterday, I should have written that Elizabeth was sensing a ‘snake in the grass’!


  8. Sheila L. Majczan says:

    Well, that answers the question I had as to whether or not we knew what had happened to Wickham. So it could well be him peeking from the bushes when Elizabeth felt someone was watching. Now as to why he is there? Pembereley was his boyhood home…but just why is he on the estate grounds? Does he mean to do Darcy some harm…or are his nefarious plans towards Georgiana?

    Yes, nice reading about the two begin together and at least talking kindly, even teasing. Thanks for this chapter.


  9. Anji says:

    That was just so delicious Cass. Like the others, I love it when D&E get lots of page time together, especially as they’re now learning to appreciate each other. So, did Wickham escape the fire unscathed or was he badly scarred/injured and somehow blaming Darcy for it? Did he escape the fire at all? Personally, I reckon he has but only you know for sure of course!

    When will you be posting the chapter where the Bungley twins depart for school? I’ll give them a wave if I spot them around town! I guess they’ll be going to a forerunner of Harrogate Ladies College.

    At least it’s good to know that I’m not the only one who has problems with typos and auto correct. Right now, I’m on my iPad but using a bluetooth keyboard which has decided to put in a double h from time to time. If you spot any of thhem, it’s because I haven’t noticed them all and taken them out.


    • Cass says:

      I’ll let you know when the twins are arriving in HHarrogate, Anji! πŸ˜‰ Yes, I did some research into schools in the town in the early 19th century and the one I picked was considered a forerunner of the Ladies College still operating there today!

      Ah, Wickham… answers that deliver more questions… don’t you just love it? lol


  10. Jan Steele says:

    Once that little bit of anger from Elizabeth dissipated, Darcy and Elizabeth managed to have a nice conversation — definitely a positive step. However, I’m just a tiny bit annoyed with Elizabeth. She was determined to avoid what she perceived was going to be an awkward situation (visiting with Miss Darcy at Pemberley and possibly seeing Mr. Darcy) so her petulance has now forced an awkward situation on Jane (seeing Bungley again when they actually do visit). She has displayed a little of that “selfish disdain of the feelings of others” which she once so hotly accused Darcy of displaying. I hope she feels her own culpability when she sees Jane’s discomposure. Then again, maybe Jane will be calm, cool and collected and Bungley will be the one discomposed — I can live with that. Elizabeth’s kindness to that unfortunate dog made me wonder if sometime in the future the dog will repay her and come to her aid in a time of trouble. If, as others have suggested, the lurking figure in the woods is Wickham, it would be more than delightful if the dog bites some big chunks from him.


    • Cass says:

      Jan, I agree re Elizabeth. I do think she was selfish at times in P&P and she is being thoughtless here. I think she has fallen into the habit of trading on Jane’s good nature.

      It will be interesting to see how Bungley and Jane react – coming soon!


  11. darcy400 says:

    Lovely chapter Cass, I am so glad you contrived a private meeting for D & E, and E is starting to come to her senses, yes someone is lurking there, I can’t wait to find out if it is in deed Wickam and how he has fared, if so or who it could possibly be in those trees if not him. Lot’s of hints that the twins will be casing problems, as a twin myself, I always get lifted eyebrows when I tell people that I am one. This should be fun. I am getting a kick out of the comments, everyone likes calling Bingley, Bungley πŸ™‚ Tuesday can not come soon enough πŸ™‚

    Julie R (Julia G Poldark)


    • Cass says:

      Wow, Julia! lol I had no idea of course that you were a twin! I hope I do them justice and you’ll forgive me any transgressions! I don’t know any twins personally, so Olivia and Viola are purely drawn from my imagination!

      Bungley is approaching!!!! πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you for more interaction between ODC. I am anxious about Bingley’s arrival and I have high hopes the twins will be somehow beneficial. And what about this Miss Latimer? When will we have the displeasure of meeting her? Sorry, I dislike her already. Looking forward to Tuesday. πŸ™‚


  13. Ah, the imminent arrival of Bungley! I don’t think I can ever think of him differently now. πŸ™‚

    I have a feeling that Elizabeth’s sensation of being watched is in direct proportion to Wickham’s sordid presence. Sigh…well, at least we know how Lydia died.

    Glad to see Elizabeth softening…and Darcy, too. Both of them “six inches deep in mud”–priceless!

    Thank you for another wonderful chapter! Tuesday seems like such a long way away…if you happen to have the next chapter just lying about, I won’t discourage you from posting on, say, Saturday? πŸ˜‰

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Susanne πŸ™‚


    • Cass says:

      LOL, me neither, Susanne! I’m sure I’ll accidentally throw a Bungley into the story at some point!

      LOL too re chapters lying about! I’m afraid the twins are causing me a few… problems and as they are about to make their entrance, it won’t be today!


  14. Maureen C says:

    Lovely chapter. I, too, loved picturing the two of them six inches deep in mud. Great interaction between the two of them.

    I look forward to the arrival of Bingley and the twins. I’m sure there won’t be a dull moment!


  15. Jaff Enthusiast says:

    I’m not doing a good job of waiting… πŸ˜‰


    • Cass says:

      Oh dear! I’m sorry!

      What I can do is post Chapter Eighteen later today, but then I will probably post next week’s two chapters on Wednesday and Friday instead of Tuesday and Thursday.

      Will that help?


  16. Mel says:

    What a lovely moment for our dear Darcy and Lizzy. Full young as she is – everything that she is now discovering about someone she despised before and now finding quite attractive must be so terrifying. So I feel she clings to the familiar, remaining selfish when she feels threatened by her developing feelings or is surprised by how Darcy reacts so gentlemanly/nicely to her.

    More of these, please ❀️❀️❀️ Lovely writing as always, Cass.


    • Cass says:

      So happy you enjoyed, Mel! Chapter Eighteen went up today as a bonus!!! Bungley arrives at Pemberley with the twins! πŸ˜‰


  17. Oh dear! Those two, will they never learn? Or admit to their ever growing feelings as they are SOOOOOOO damn obvious?! Can’t wait for more Cass!


    • Cass says:

      LOL Sophia! It may be obvious to you, but these two aren’t there yet! πŸ˜‰

      Besides, you know you the love dance of it all really! πŸ˜€


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