A Quest for Mr Darcy – Chapter Forty Four

This chapter has now been removed.

About Cass

Writer of romance with all the feels. Dreamer, bookworm, cat lover. Avid fan of antiques TV shows. #proudHufflepuff
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24 Responses to A Quest for Mr Darcy – Chapter Forty Four

  1. Sheila L. Majczan says:

    So very sorry to hear that you are ill. I certainly would never hold the absence of a chapter against someone who is unwell. Hope this illness is short lived. Please rest and take care. I sent my comment as my computer sometimes does not deliver chapters and I have to search for them. So was curious about whether it was posted. You could have just sent out a message about your condition. I am sure no one would complain.

    Off to read the latest and Thank You.


  2. Jennifer Redlarczyk says:

    Those naughty girls up to no good again! Very nice dance, the air is somewhat cleared. But… suppose Elizabeth and Miss Latimer come across Lydia. Now that would be something. Then agian if the hunting party come across her that would be a read disaster. Oh … why is it so long until next Tuesday. Hopefully you have been writing, Dear Author. Love it! jen Red


  3. Hollis says:

    Sorry you were sick too. That horrible flu stuff has been floating around here.
    Those girls just won’t be contained will they!!!! I would hate to think of Mrs. Bennet’s nerves if Elizabeth had a twin or could you imagine triplets to ‘vex’ her nerves!!! Now to wait 2 days to hear what they were doing outside, and so much for Georgiana’s and Jane’s chaperonage!


  4. Sheila L. Majczan says:

    Loved the progress between Elizabeth and Darcy and the cleverness to make sure that the Latimers (and others) are fully engaged tomorrow. BUT what have the twins been up to? They were to be confined to the manor for twenty-four more hours, according to what we just read! Looking forward to the next Tueday’s chapter. Hope you are all well by then.


  5. Ann Isom says:

    Feel well soon Cassandra…can’t have our beloved authored falling by the wayside with so much going on with our dynamic duo and all this intrigue! Have a lovely cuppa hot tea with some honey and lemon and rest and plot what’s coming if possible…just get well! Toodles!


  6. Tish Tim says:

    Feel Better Cass and still a wonderful chapter, so excited to read the next chapter. Love how D&E are starting to understand each other. Am totally enjoying the new characters in the book especially the twins. One of my favourite characters is still Colonel Fitzwilliam, you have made him so witty, love it, love it, love it!! Thanks for taking the time to write this chapter and hope you feel better soon.


  7. darcy400 says:

    No worries Cass, I am so sorry your not feeling well. I hope your better soon, lot’s of tea, honey and lemon. Thank you for the effort, I am sure it was difficult wile feeling so bad. Looking forward to next week.

    Julie R


  8. Carole in Canada says:

    Even unwell you writing draws me in. Don’t feel pressured and just relax and drink plenty of fluids. We can wait…

    Now that Darcy and Elizabeth have clarified their feelings for each as best as one can at a ball, I am starting to feel the angst build up where Lydia and Wickham are concerned. The Colonel is so right about Wickham being unpredictable and to be on their guard. I just have a vision of something happening to Elizabeth while out riding with Miss Latimer or vice versa! I assume the men are going out ‘hunting’ tonight!


  9. Carol in CT says:

    I’m sorry you are feeling ill, Cassandra, and hope you are well soon! The ball was lovely, though Latimer still must put himself forward. I hope when the ladies go out riding that there is an armed guard with them. They need protection! I won’t sleep a wink until Thursday! 😉 Thanks for another great chapter!


  10. Fran says:

    Sorry to hear you are unwell. I appreciate you still getting the chapter out for us fans. Thanks


  11. Uhhhhh Cass! Another place where I can say again?! Really?! *shakes head in resignation* but uh did I love the Ball scene between Darcy and Elizabeth- and now they are both very clear and ready for more words of an intimate sort soon! I do wonder what the twins have been up to this time?!
    Now onto the hunt of Lydia!
    I hope you recover quickly Cass, it can’t be felt at all in this lovely chapter! Can’t wait for Tuesday!


  12. I am sorry you are not feeling well, Cass. I hope you get better soon! But the chapter was great, no worries there. I am happy Darcy and Elizabeth managed to make things clear as much as they could. I am not sure I like the idea of Elizabeth riding…I hope nothing happens to her. I am so curious to know how they will find Lydia. Or if she will be found by someone else? Thank God Thursday is not that far! 😉


  13. I am so sorry that you haven’t been well. I struggle with autoimmune issues and definitely have my good days and bad days, and writing is definitely difficult on those days in which I feel far less than my best.

    I enjoyed this chapter very much and an quite excited by the “cliffie” here at the end. The twins have been up to mischief again…of course! I do not envy Bingley the care of those two; what one does not think of, the other does–and then they both do it with enthusiasm yet without thought of possible consequences. A most dangerous combination given the plot twists already in this story….

    Thank you again for writing for us, especially when you are unwell. You are too good to us! 😀

    Susanne 🙂


  14. Lizzybel says:

    I feel sorry for Miss Lattimer. How dreadful it would be to feel unloved by your father and nothing more than a pawn in his games to acquire more fortune and better connections. I hope she can find someone–other than Darcy–to love and be happy. Her mother seems delightful, but her father is wretched! I was delighted that Elizabeth and Darcy came to a better understanding of each other and cannot wait to find out what mischief the twins have been up to! Looking forward to Thursday!


  15. Cristina says:

    I wish you a speedy recovery and thank you very much for thinking of your readers so much that you still posted this chapter. Had you not mentioned it, I would not have known that you wrote it while you were unwell. The tension climbs and Darcy and Lizzy have as much as declared their love for each other. I hope Lydia’s situation will be resolved soon. I think perhaps she’s suffered enough for her foolishness and inexperience. Darcy and the Colonel to the rescue! I, too, worry about Elizabeth’s safety while out riding, perhaps the horse will be scared by an unexpected figure… Oh, I do love to imagine where you might take us next.
    Rest and post next when you are well, Cass.


  16. Maureen C says:

    Thank you for posting this, even though you were sick.

    I enjoyed the D and L interactions at the ball. So sweet!

    I am a bit surprised with all that’s been going on that Darcy didn’t insist on an escort for Miss Latimer and Lizzy as they go riding. They know not to trust Wickham, and he could be out there somewhere.

    I wonder, does Miss Latimer have a hidden motive for wanting to ride to town? Maybe there’s someone she wants to see?

    So…who will find Lydia first? I look forward to getting answers to these questions soon.

    Sorry you’ve been sick. I didn’t feel well today either. So much sickness is going around. Take care of yourself, and if you have to miss a scheduled day of posting, that’s okay. Everyone will understand. I am going to spend some time on my heated recliner…having trouble getting warm.


  17. Trez says:

    Enjoying! But get yourself well.
    I like how Darcy told Elizabeth of his feelings. Just the beginning of the Hunsford exchange, mind you. Clever, clever author.


  18. Donna Krug says:

    Hope you are feeling better very soon. Thank you for sharing these wonderful well-written chapers. I Amon edge now to see what happens next on several fronts. Donna


  19. justjane1813 says:

    I hope you’re feeling better, Cass.

    I enjoyed this chapter and look forward to reading more, but no pressure. Quality over quantity is always my motto!!


  20. JanisB says:

    Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, Cass.


  21. Anji says:

    If this chapter was written whilst you were unwell, then I can only imagine what a more polished version might be like. This was delicious enough as it is! Hope you’re fully recovered now, Cass. The way you’ve turned the Hunsford proposal on it’s head is just inspired. He can tell her, without being overt, that his “hopes and wishes are unchanged”, following on from his reassurance during the dance that Miss Latimer is definitely yesterday’s news. Looks as if she knows where Darcy’s intentions lie and isn’t bothered by this.

    But what have those girls been up to? Obviously they’ve come to no harm, but oh my giddy aunt, do they need locking up to keep them out of mischief? What will the various plans for the morrow bring?


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